
Dr. Hung Chi Chang published his most recent research article in Molecular Biology of the Cell as the second author on the list.

Director Hung-Chi Chang served as a full-time scientist at the New York University-Ministry of Women’s Reproductive Medicine Center from 2001 to 2007.

During that time, he cooperated with a professor of urology at New York University School of Medicine on a research topic. Because the professor had abnormalities in the fertility of Uroplakin Knockout mice, he invited Director Hung-Chi Chang to assist with the research.

After two years of research, Director Hung-Chi Chang discovered that Uroplakin Knockout mice have no abnormal functionalities in fertilization when the genetic defect occurred in the sperm; but when the genetic defect of these Knockout genes occurred in the egg, the fertilizing ability of the egg will drop significantly!

This is the first time Uroplakin has been found to play a major role in the egg’s fertilizing abilities, in addition to its other functions in the bladder epithelial physiology.
This research has recently been written into an article, and Dr. Hung-Chi Chang published this article as the second author.

As a scientist of the Department of Reproductive Medicine and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at National Taiwan University, Director Hung-Chi Chang published this article. This type of work/service shows that Taipei Honji Fertility Clinic is not only clinically experienced, but also experienced on the bench and informed on the latest IVF research and technology. You can rest your mind and throw away your worries when you receive infertility treatment at Taipei Honji Fertility Clinic.

Published :10 Oct 2018|https://doi.org/10.1091/mbc.E18-08-0496 |Molecular Biology of the Cell Official Website.


Molecular Biology of the Cell, Ahead of Print | ArticleMolecular Biology of the Cell, Ahead of Print | Article
Uroplakins play conserved roles in egg fertilization and acquired additional urothelial functions during mammalian divergence.
Yi Liao, Hung-Chi Chang, Feng-Xia Liang, Pei-Jung Chung, Yuan Wei, Tuan-Phi Nguyen, Ge Zhou, Sheeva Talebian, Lewis C Krey, Fang-Ming Deng, Tak-Wah Wong, Javier U. Chicote, James A. Grifo, David L. Keefe, Ellen Shapiro, Herbert Lepor, Xue-Ru Wu, Robert DeSalle, Antonio Garcia-España, Sang Yong Kim and Tung-Tien Sun.
Keith E Mostov, Monitoring Editor.