
A 42-year-old lady who received donor egg, lives in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

I was 35 weeks pregnant without any incident, until reaching 36 weeks and was diagnosed with toxemia of pregnancy, have high blood pressure, proteinuria and edema toe situation. Babies are healthy, however, my own body already was lacking the ability to match the growth of the fetus.

I originally planned be hospitalized, and hoping for natural childbirth on February 2nd, but the physician told me the burden on the fetus and my body, early childbirth would be better. I followed the doctor’s suggested time frame and made a Caesarean section on the 4th.

My family and I had some rough time because of treatment of infertility, but now it is all worth it. Because of the previous hard work, it all made me think the baby is so cute. The moment when I heard the first cry of the child, my tear of joy would not stop. My heart was filled with gratitude that my child was born safely. MY family and I were all very blessed.

I am very glad that Dr. Chang did the treatment for me. From now on, we will take care of the two babies with our love. If possible, we really want to say thank you to the egg donor.

We appreciate Dr. Chang and all the clinic staffs, as well as the donor. We hope Dr. Chang continue helping infertile patients like me, and make them receive happiness. We also wish this happiness can be widespread and bless more people. Lastly, when I restore the body condition, I hope I can continue to do implant with the rest of fertilized egg. It was a pleasure to meet Dr. Chang and all the Honji staff, and my honor to be part of treatment program.