
The lucky mother who got twins at age 47 by egg recipient.

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It was at the age of 47 that I got pregnant.

I got married at 28, constantly being “dink” with my husband, but we were eager to have a baby at 42. Firstly, my friend suggested Dr. Chen in Gynecology and Obstetrics in Chung X hospital. Dr. Chen only prescribed medicines for ovulation which was not for infertility treatment. Although I took them, I had only 2~3 follicular which had brought about nothing for half of year. And then, he advised me to see Dr. Hu who was an expert about infertility. From now on, I have gotten struggled for 2 years and a half.

At the first out-patient clinic, I waited for 6 hours but talked a few words to the doctor. After continually taking a variety of examinations, the doctor found uterine fivriods and adenoma, so we decided to get rid of them, but there were too much to deal with.

I was adopted to retrieve many eggs first, cultivated them and implanted because I could at most get 3 eggs. I suffered from injection and medicine taking in the row and totally did 13 times of egg retrieval surgery (retrieved 12 eggs), 5 times of polypectomy and 2 times of implantation, which of them had to anesthetize generally that made me very uncomfortable, but all in vain.

In 2 years and a half, we had to wait for a long time during the out-patient owning to the crowed patients. We had to accompany to other patients in the doctor’s room which made me feel no private. What’s worse, the doctor also gave us a cold shoulder. For example, because he got too many patients, he couldn’t recognize the face and the name. He never read the case history, so we had to memorize the stage of our medical treatments. Whenever I asked the reasons for un-retrieval and the polypus, he always said it was due to the age, which made me exhausted.

One day, Dr. Hu told me about egg recipient which is out of services in Mackay Memorial Hospital and suggested one of the hospitals in Hsinshu. I dialed the number and asked several questions, but the staff was impatient. Also, Hsinshu was too far, so I searched information online and finally focused on Honji.

As soon as I arrived at Honji clinic, I felt totally different atmosphere without any pressure. All of the staff was kind and Dr. Chang treated us patiently and positively. What’s more, he encouraged us all the time. Honji clinic was adopted to the reservation ways, so we didn’t need wait for a long time which let me feel free.

I did egg recipient and, at the same time, used my own ovum. What the most brilliant skills of Dr, Chang was that he retrieved the eggs without anesthesia. I would not have swelling pain of my bladder. The motion completed in several minutes. I took a rest for a while and went home. How amazing!

Although I couldn’t use my own eggs, I got twins at the second time of egg recipient. I am deeply grateful for Dr. Chang and all of the staff in Honji.
Honji: She came here on 2016, April. In half of year, she graduated from Honji. Congratulations!