Director Chang Hung-Chi

The photos of the presentation on the meeting of ASRM(American Society for Reproduction Medicine)

Education & Work Experiences
1986-1993 Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University
1995-2001 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, National Taiwan University Hospital
2001-2007 Full-time scientist in Center for Reproductive Medicine, New York University School of Medicine
Now Honji Fertility Center Chief Physician & National Taiwan University Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Physician
Research Results
Dr. Hung Chi Chang published his most recent research article in Molecular Biology of the Cell as the second author on the list.
Yi Liao, Hung-Chi Chang et al.(2018,Molecular Biology of the Cell) Uroplakins play conserved roles in egg fertilization and acquired additional urothelial functions during mammalian divergence.(10 Oct 2018). View & Downlaod
Sited by Nature Journal
Paper on Nature Cell Biology,Somatic cells regulate maternal mRNA translation and developmental competence of mouse oocytes, sited Dr. Hung Chi Chang’s one.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC. (2005). Developmental incompetency of denuded mouse oocytes undergoing maturation in vitro is ooplasmic in nature and is associated with aberrant Oct-4 expression. Hum Reprod , 1958–1968. View & Downlaod
- Chang HC, Grifo J, McCaffrey, Krey LC, Noyes N. (2007 ASRM) Using certain commercially available glass-bottomed dish with paraffin oil impacts the embryonic development of oocytes. [Abstract] Fertility & Sterility. 2007; 88: S310 (#J0130599).
- Chang, HC; Liu, H; Noyes, N; Meng, L; Krey, L; Grifo, J. “Down regulatory effects of retinoid signaling on murine and human embryonic Oct-4 gene expression [Abstract]”. Fertility & sterility. 2006; 86: S219 (#J0123967)
- Noyes, N; Chang, HC; Liu, H; Labella, P; Meng, L; Grifo, JA. “Presence of meiotic spindle predicts embryo competence following oocyte cryopreservation [Abstract]”. Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S64 (#J0123958) Chang, HC; Noyes, N; Lee, TL; Chin, A; Krey, L; Grifo, J. “Independent and sequential expression of Oct3A and Oct3B transcription factors in human preimplantation embryos [Abstract]”. Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S220 (#J0123968)
- Chang, HC; Grifo, J; Labella, P; Ampeloquio, E; Adler, A; Krey, L. “Oct3A and Oct3B immunostaining patterns in human 3PN zygotes and aneuploid embryos diagnosed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): Embryonic chromosome status can be independent of developmental competence [Abstract]”. Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S220 (#J0123969)
- Keegan DA, Krey LC, Chang HC and Noyes N. (2007) Increased risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension between in young recipients of oocyte donation. Fertility and Sterility. Apr;87(4):776-81.
- Chang, HC; Liu, H; Zhang, J; Grifo, J; Krey, LC. “Ooplasnnic factors are responsible for the developmental defects observed when immature cumulus-enclosed mouse oocytes are denuded prior to maturation [Abstract]”. Fertility & Sterility. 2004; 82: S10 (#J0078695)
- Chang HC, Liu H, Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC. (2005) Developmental incompetency of denuded mouse oocytes undergoing maturation in vitro is ooplasmic in nature and is associated with aberrant Oct-4 expression. Human Reproduction, July, Vol. 20, No.7, 1958-1968.
- Chang, HC; Liu, H; Zhang, J; Grifo, J; Krey, LC. “Ooplasnnic factors are responsible for the developmental defects observed when immature cumulus-enclosed mouse oocytes are denuded prior to maturation [Abstract]”. Fertility & Sterility. 2004; 82: S10 (#J0078695)
- Liu H, Chang HC, Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC. Metaphase II nuclei generated by germinal vesicle transfer in mouse oocytes support embryonic development to term. Human Reproduction, 2003 Sep;18(9):1903-1907.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Blaszczyk A, Grifo J, Krey LC (2003) Influences of mouse strain and culture media on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes. Fertility and Sterility, Vol.80 3S S266. (#J0101655)
- Liu H, Krey LC, Zhang J, Chang HC, Grifo JA (2002) Germinal vesicle xeno-transfer between mouse and human oocytes: a model to study ooplasmic influences on meiotic division. Fertility and Sterility, September Vol.76 No. 3S O-202.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Grifo JA, Krey LC (2002) Influences of Gonadotroping stimulation on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes. Fertility and Sterility, September Vol.76 No. 3S P-458.
- Chang HC, Wu MY, Ho HN, Yang YS (1996) Delayed delivery of surviving triplet after fetal reduction and spontaneous abortion. Journal of Formos Medical Association. Nov;95(11):881-4. (original paper)
Speech on Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine
- Noyes N, Chang HC, Labella P, McCaffrey C, Fino E, Grifo J. (2007 ASRM) Visualization of meiotic spindle predicts usefulness of female gamates in an oocyte cryopreservation program.
- Chang HC, Grifo J, McCaffrey, Krey LC, Noyes N. (2007 ASRM) Using certain commercially available glass-bottomed dish with paraffin oil impacts the embryonic development of oocytes.
- Chang HC, Grifo J, Ampeloquio E, LaBella P, Adler A and Krey LC. (2006 ASRM) Oct3A and Oct3B immunostaining patterns in human 3PN zygotes and aneuploid embryos diagnosed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): embryonic chromosome status can be independent of developmental competence.
- Chang HC, Noyes N, Lee TL, Chin A, Krey LC and Grifo JA. (2006 ASRM) Independent and sequential expression of Oct3A and Oct3B transcription factors in human preimplantation embryos.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Noyes N, Meng L, Krey LC and Grifo J. (2006 ASRM) Down regulatory effects of retinoid signaling on murine and human embryonic Oct-4 gene expression. Liu H, Labella P, Chang HC, Noyes N, Krey LC and Grifo JA. (2006 ASRM) Vitrification influence on the viability of human and mouse oocytes is temperature relevant.
- Grifo J, Labella P, Licciardi F, Chang HC, Liu H and Noyes N. (2006 ASRM) Clinical results of an oocyte cryopreservation program. Noyes N, Chang HC, Meng L, Liu H, Labella P, Grifo J (2006 ASRM) Presence of meiotic spindle predicts embryo competence following oocyte cryopreservation.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC. (2005 SRM) Vitrification of metaphase II oocytes impacts Oct-4 expression during subsequent preimplantation development. Oral presentation in Montreal, 61th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC. (2004 ASRM) Ooplasmic factors are responsible for the developmental defects observed when immature cumulus-enclosed mouse oocytes are denuded prior to maturation. Oral presentation in Philadelphia, 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Blaszczyk A, Grifo JA, Krey LC (2003 ASRM) Influences of mouse strain and culture media on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes. Fertility and Sterility, Vol.80 3S S266.
- Chang HC, Liu H, Grifo J, Krey LC (2002 ASRM) Influences of gonadotropin stimulation on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes. Poster presentation in Orlando, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
- Liu H, Krey LC, Zhang J, Chang HC, Grifo JA (2002 ASRM) Germinal vesicle xeno-transfer between mouse and human oocytes: a model to study ooplasmic influences on meiotic division. Fertility and Sterility, September 2002 Vol.76 No. 3S O-202. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Dr. Chang Hung-Chi boarded NBC News NYU New York University Center for Reproductive Medicine reported frozen eggs.
Our director Hung-Chi Chang went to America in 2001 after working for National Taiwan University hospital, obstetrics and gynecology department. In Ney York University School of Medicine, he worked as a full-time scientist in Center for Reproductive Medicine. Not only did he succeed developing a model of in-vitro fertilization using mouse’s sperm cell and oocyte in 2002, but he also succeeded developing vitrification of mouse’s oocyte and using it for patient’s clinical application in 2004. In 2005, the successful example of human oocyte cryopreservation development was reported by NBC TV which showed Director Chang several times, including him examining oocyte’s spindle. During 2002 to 2007 while he was working for the center, he published over 10 theses in the highest authority in the field of human reproduction, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. He also gave lectures several times on scientific conference of reproductive medicine department in New York University Medical School.
This is the NBC news video broadcasted in 2005↓
Japan‘s TBS series “TV Future heritage”

~ Honji Fertility Center for assistance shoot ~
Japan’s TBS latest planning, this content introduced worldwide total of three hours the latest technology and delivery of messages pregnancy reality show. After Japan’s TBS television and Honji Fertility Center approached Dr. Chang Hung-Chi – assisted shooting part of the contents ─ Japan hopes in Taiwan to accept infertility treatment, and the couple have children.

Japan, Asia and Europe leading medical sync, but from New York University Reproductive Center Dr. Chang Hung-Chi founded by Honji Fertility Center, and Japan also provide the same quality of medical services, inexpensive, well sure. No need to pay the high cost of the United States or Thailand, let infertile couples in Japan more than a glimmer of hope to be able to parenthood.
The clinic interview last year by the Japanese Asahi Shimbun, Japan set off a series of discussions within the noise, there are many Praying for infertile Japanese couples eager to come to Taiwan to accept infertility treatment, the Court also had the honor of Japan helped many infertile couples, in Japan, another one of the best television -TBS television, particularly interview president of the court – Dr. Chang Hung-Chi, artificial reproduction and development on the hospital, so we also need to work harder for infertile women around the band to hope.
Interviews with our successful egg recipients.
After I gave birth to my first baby, my menstruation stopped! Treatment and age concerns can be overcome, and it is a story about Junko receiving eggs from Taiwan and about her supportive family…..